09 October 2014


Super throwback thursday for this post. I thought I posted this travel blog a while back so here it is: 



I was looking through these images again since I have a client for her wedding illustrations and etc. here at Prado Farms. It's strange to explain Prado Farms. This land is not your typical farm. Check it out for yourselves. It's a beautiful place made out of recyclable items that many think are disposable.

Shop at the entrance

One of my most badass idols: Viktor Gutierrez

Restaurant at Prado Farms

Christmas 2012 Prado Farms

Carabao (water buffallo) ride, anyone?

Feeding time for the goats

Tree house

These images taken were only a quarter of what's inside Prado Farms. And today, there has been more improvements of what's inside - infinity pool, the actual farm, retreat house, chapel, etc. I'll always love Prado Farms, for this is my lolo and lola (grandparents) home where I grew up when this land was more of warehouses and stray guard dogs. Now, it has evolved into a more memorable beauty that I always remind myself that things do not have to go to waste when you can create anything with anything.

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